Together, We Can Move The Needle On Materials Management

After almost 40 years, new solid waste laws in Michigan have created an opportunity to recover more of the valuable materials that are sent to landfills in Michigan every day. We can make the most of that opportunity in an economy where the final destination of a product is considered before it is even designed.

Producers are in a unique position to lighten the burden of managing materials on individual consumers and local governments. By designing products and packaging with the environmental impact in mind, we can close the loop on valuable resources by ensuring products and packaging are made with recycled content, and that they're easily reused, recycled, or composted at the end of their useful life.

It’s Time To Act. We Need You To Reach Out!



"Hello, my name is ___________, I live in ___________. I'm calling to let you know of my interest in producer responsibility. I support this policy, and I hope you will, too!"

Tell your story! - Add relevant information about why Producer Responsibility is important to you!


Start by calling a legislator's office and ask for a date and time. They also have a regular "Coffee Hour" to see constituents; however, you want a separate meeting time, if possible, in order to have the rep or senator's full attention. You will also want a suggestion for a place to meet, usually a coffee house, library, or restaurant in the district - the lawmaker may have a preference.

  1. Once you have a day and time for the meeting, it's time to send out an email to other recyclers and MRC members in the district to invite them to participate in the meeting. The MRC can provide a list, with email addresses and phone numbers, of MRC contacts in the district.
  2. You may have had no experience talking face-to-face with elected officials. That's okay!
  3. Aim for 4 to 7 participants, and no less than three, including you.


  1. Get familiar with best practices for meeting with legislators
  2. You will probably want to learn more about your legislator. These websites are helpful:
    1. Michigan House Democrats
    2. Michigan House Republicans
    3. Michigan Senate Democrats
    4. Michigan Senate Republicans
  3. Create an agenda for the meeting to guide your discussion. You can see a sample agenda here.


  1. Please send a thank you note (email or USPS) to the lawmaker, offering again to pass on his/her comments or concerns to the MRC for follow up on any details not covered at the meeting.
  2. Send an email to all who participated, thanking them. Also, please ask them to send their reactions to you to forward to the MRC.
  3. Send the MRC a report of your impressions about the meeting, any follow-ups that were promised or would be useful, and any comments on the legislator's handling of the meeting, demeanor, and attitude about the issues discussed.